View Dave Goes Orienteering 2010-11 in a larger map
Not a great day of orienteering for me. I found the first six (of ten) controls without too much trouble. I could not find the seventh control. I'm not sure exactly why. I'm pretty sure that I was in the right area and I circled around a few times before giving up on it. I was also unable to find the eighth control. I suspect that the course setter (Nadim) may have already picked up those controls. He did say he was going to give us a 20 minute head start before heading out to start picking up controls. Another possibility is that the map is deficient.
After looking for #8 I decided to pack it in. I set my compass for the general direction that I thought I needed to head in, west, and started walking. Roughly 10 minutes later I realized I was headed in the wrong direction. I should have been heading east. I backtracked and eventually made my way back to my car, without finishing the course.